Introducing the revolutionary Oil Magic Emotions Compass will enable you to harness the power of essential oils for everyday emotional well-being.
The Emotions Compass is a comprehensive tool that addresses the diverse spectrum of emotions we experience daily.
It is designed to elevate your emotional well-being by enabling you to quickly find the most appropriate essential oils for supporting negative, positive, and neutral emotions. It will support you on your journey towards self-awareness and growth, helping you easily navigate various emotional states.
How does the Emotions Compass work?
It begins by identifying the emotion you wish to enhance or release. Locate the nearest match to how you're feeling right now, and utilise the essential oils recommended according to your chosen usage preference.
With our "Process and Progress" approach, you'll use the oil marked 'process', identified by a heart, to support your current emotion. Delve into its essence, exploring the depths of your feelings, gaining valuable insights into yourself and supporting the emotion you feel in the moment.
Once you feel you have processed the current emotion and are ready to move forward, the oil marked 'progress', identified by an upward arrow, will elevate your emotional energy to the next feeling space. By integrating this two-pronged approach, you can experience the transformation from agitation to calm, from loneliness to connectedness, or from fear to empowerment.
What if I only have the most popular essential oils?
We understand that you may not have all the recommended essential oils. That's okay! We've provided alternative suggestions selected from the top 15 essential oils, ensuring you can still embark on this incredible emotional journey if you have just a handful of essential oils accessible to you. Simply review the icons to identify the top oils to process and progress your emotions in the same manner.
Delve into the use of this remarkable tool to unlock the mysteries of emotions and explore the world of essential oils with our Emotions Compass. Discover the joy of feeling more or less of what you desire, and awaken your senses, harness your emotions, and embark on a life-changing journey of improved emotional well-being.