Rosewater - Skin - 100ml


R 70.00
As a beauty ingredient, Rose water has found a place in many households. No matter your skin type, rosewater can be added to your beauty regime and is a great addition to an essential oil perfume blend for a nurturing touch to the skin and a beautiful rose scent.

Here are some amazing beauty uses of this sweet-smelling natural product.

Face Cleanser
Cleansing should be a part of everybody’s beauty regime. Wash your face with a mild face wash. Take one tablespoon of rose water in a small bowl and add a few drops of glycerine to it. Apply this mixture to your face and then wash it off. This cleanser can be used on all skin types. You can also use it to wipe off makeup or product residue from your face. It will nourish your skin deeply. Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin.

Facial Toner
Commercial toners are packed with chemicals and alcohol content, and regular use of these products strips your skin of its natural oils and moisture. Rose water is a gentle and natural alternative to chemical-laden toners. Using a soft cotton ball, apply chilled rose water to cleansed skin. Rose water has mild astringent properties that will help tighten your pores.

Eye Pack
Dip a cotton ball in rose water and apply it to tired, inflamed eyes. It will help reduce puffiness under the eyes and get rid of redness.

Body Treatments
Rose water is a great addition to homemade body treatments. Mix rose water with almond oil, or mix it into your regular body cream. You can also add it to body scrubs or directly into bath water. A rose-scented bath at the end of a tiring day is the best antidote to stress.‎

Rosewater Benefits

Rosewater helps maintain the skin’s pH balance and controls excess oil.

Rose water has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce the redness of irritated skin and supports when dealing with dermatitis and eczema. It is a great cleanser and aids in removing oil and dirt accumulated in clogged pores.

Rose water helps hydrate, revitalise and moisturise the skin, giving it a refreshed look.

Due to its antibacterial properties, rose water also aids in healing scars, cuts and wounds.

Rose water's antioxidant properties help strengthen skin cells and regenerate skin tissues.

Due to its astringent-like properties, rose water helps clean pores and tone the skin. Applying rose water after steaming tightens capillaries and reduces redness and blotchiness.

The aroma of roses is said to be a powerful mood enhancer. It relieves anxiety and promotes emotional well-being, making you feel more relaxed.

The nourishing and moisturising properties of rose water enhance hair quality. It is known to treat mild scalp inflammations and get rid of dandruff. Rosewater works wonders as a natural conditioner and revitalises hair growth.

Add some of your favourite essential oils and make a linen or room spray.



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Rosewater - Skin - 100ml

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